
This page is connected to the European Citizen’s Initiative ECI(2017)000003.

Any other use of the terms “flockbrexit” that is not referenced in this website is not directly or officially related to this initiative or to its organizers. That means they’re probably either a jumping on board with the idea and trying to promote it (which is kinda cool) or a copycat trying to get something from you (which is not so cool). So be careful!

There’s no intention of profiting from this idea or selling any sort of merchandise so if anyone tries to collect money from you or sell you stuff, they’re likely not one of us. If we need to ask for money at any point, we will be very transparent about how much is needed and why, but until then all we need is moral and vocal support! Also, if we ever get hacked, we’ll inform you through all the other channels, so spread the word before they change our status to something dumb (please?) 😉

Officially related to this Citizens’ Initiative:

Facebook (Official Updates): https://www.facebook.com/flockbrexit/
Facebook (Public Group w/4,000+ Members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/775717869261668/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/flockbrexit

Medium (publication): https://medium.com/flockbrexit

Medium (profile): https://medium.com/@flockbrexit

Important Note: for privacy reasons, we are not allowed to use the information that you provide with the initiative in order to contact you for any reason.

If you’d like to reach out to us or receive updates on how this thing is doing, please fill in the form below. 🙂

Have you signed the initiative?: (required)

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